I have purchased “Free your mind” hypnosis app and had a great experience with it. This app offers a range of different hypnoses, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, boosting creativity, dealing with insomnia, etc. If you are not sure what you want or want a few areas to work on, this app might be the one to get!
Prior to getting the hypnosis app, I mistakenly assumed that the hypnotist does all the work to instill positive changes to your mind. Actually, this is not true! I feel that the role of the hypnotist is to get you relaxed and walk you through a series constructive mental exercises that you would be too lazy to do on your own. In a sense, the
hypnotizer merely lowers the activation energy to such constructive practices. You still need to do a lot of work to passionately desire, imagine and concentrate on what you want.
My favorite track is “Free your mind.” I absolutely love the mental journey that this hypnosis takes me through. I love that this hypnosis (or any other hypnosis) allows me the freedom to construct the details of the imaginary spaces I get visit. I get an opportunity to reconnect with my deepest desires, my deepest strengths and the core experiences of my life. I feel very grounded after I listen to this track!
RopeBach about Free Your Mind Hypnosis