I just left a rather lengthy review in the other Mindifi App with yellow icon that has the free Dream Life Audio session which I generously gave 4 stars to BUT THIS App-I am leaving my 2cents My 1Star & Not wasting too much more time with These Apps until Mindifi updates them so we can fast forward past all the talking & find out if there is EVEN AN AUDIO SESSION & not just an Induction-which is what I found when I used the Free Your Mind Free Session just this morning Right After I played the Other Mindifi App & listened to Dream Life-See my review there if interested In lengthy real details. I downloaded 6 of your Apps & already deleted 1 soon after downloading it-apparently I wasnt happy but these other 5 Apps have been wasting space for many months as I havent had time to use them fully-the instructions & inductions are so long-either fall asleep or opened another App or an alarm went off & the entire session makes me start over-THIS IS A MUST FIX-I cant imagine paid users being unable to loop fast forward rewind pause & repeat when there are so many free competitors out there WITH BETTER APPS & based on the 4 1/2 star reviews I THOUGHT MINDIFI MUST BE GOOD-Now I wonder if reviews are fake or if the people who left them received free upgrades or if PEOPLE ARE MISTAKING relaxing & sleeping WITHA HYPNOTIC TRANCE SESSION or Meditation to resolve a specific ISSUE-to change a negative behaviour pattern or improve their life by improving their mindset & outlook-I have been using MAN of these types of Apps now-Free & PAID for several years since an accident & having THE TIME TO DO SO & using these as THERAPY just like Acupuncture-Psycho therapy, cognitive therapy-To help with anxiety-moods-motivation-positivity-Insomnia-WAS RESOLVED FROM A DIFFERENT APP QUICKLY & so many other things-Living a healthy life-being confident-being successful-Achieving my goals-living my dream life-Seeing the positive side of everything-attracting positivity & abundance & good things into my LIFE-Feeling content-Finding my soul mate & more.
I am happyIll be deleting THIS MINDIFI APP now as the over 200MB of space it takes up is RIDICULOUS given its only 1free audio with no controls & noABILITY to play or continue playing if another App opens-very low development & looks like 2 years since an update????WHY IS ANYONE PAYING? Please I took the time to write this just to let others know if they type in the search box they can find pages of free apps for sleep relaxation & STRESS & DEALING WITH ANXIETY-just type words in search box with hypnosis or meditations or affirmations or brainwave entrainment after the words & even ONLINE there are so many sites with free AUDIOS & THE BEST IVE USED WERE FREE OR from a company who offered FREE ACCESS TO EVERYTHING FOR A LIMITED TIME TO CHECK IT OUT & TRY BEFORE BUYING OR ONE THAT OFFERED ME AUDIOS THAT IMPROVED MY LIFE SO I BOUGHT SOME ADDITIONAL IN APP AUDIOS AT MY CHOICE NOT AN ENTIRE BUNDLE I MAY NOT NEED.
Why dont I like THIS PARTICULAR SESSION besides the inability to control it or open other Apps or loop it or repeat it? I just listened to it fully while awake & it didnt even contain any audio pertaining to Freeing Mind of negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs as it said-WHERAS at leas the DreamLife audio in the yellow con Mindifi App had a few minutes of visualization of Dream Life Goals & Picturing times in my life in past & future-WHICH I LIKED-but this app has 1AUDIO & ALL I HEARD WAS an induction-in about 3-5 different ways-A long intro-Then telling user to relax & breathe & close eyes & open eyes & tense muscles then release tnse then release-THAT is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation & I have AUDIOS of in every CBT APP with tons of other useful stuff in it-like reading-journals-ideas-affirmations & more-But its an induction OR AN EXERCISE TO RELEASE STRESS & ANXIETY & that was NOT what this audio says it is for-I also do not like tightening all my muscles As instructed since issues with spine & shoulder & leg &it feels like its causing FACIAL Wrinkling & makes jaw clenched & tight &feel even worse after personally-THEN THE GUY DID EXACTLY WHAT HE DID THE LAST 10-15 minutes in other App-He tries to set a trigger for us to fall asleep every time he tells us to & he tells us to open our eyes then close them over & over as he counts up & down-For a long time & THEN SAYS WAKE UP EYES OPEN-BASICALLY THE SESSION WAS TO TENSE & RELAX YOUR MUSCLES&Learn a little about how hypnosis apps work-& have to hear IT EVERY TIME-THEN CLOSE &OPEN EYES CLOSE EYES OPEN EYES-then WAIT & wonder WHEN HE IS GOING TO START ACTUALLY SAYING SOMETHING THAT WILL HELP TO FREE MY MIND OF LIMITING BELIEFS-EVEN TO CREATE A TRIGGER TO HELP ME REALIZE WHEN I AM THINKING LOWER THOUGHTS-Not to create a trigger to SLEEP WHEN HE INSTRUCTS ME TOO-Just s everyone bows you can get that or free & MUCH MORE IN SO MANY OTHER APPS & They take up so much KESS space-THIS IS SUCH A WASTE OF SPAE NOW I NEED TO CHECK THAT THE OTHER 3 I still have not listened to since downloading HAVE ANYTHING USEFUL IN THEM OR IF I CAN JUST KEEP THE LOWER MBS yellow icon App for Dream Life & although it has ONKY ASHORT AUDIO PART FOR VISUALIZING & MANIFESTING-I did enjoy the light part & I can at least just play that in the mornings when I Wake up & I KNOW NOW I CAN STOP Before THE LAST 10 minutes of it which are a waste of time-Same as the entire audio-Just trying to create a trigger to tellme when to sleep in preparation for NEXT TIME-BUT I DONT WANT TO SLEEP-I WANT TO MANIFEST MY GOALS & FREE MY MIMD OF LIMITING BELIEFS & IF I WANT ASLEEP AUDIO I HAVE PLENTY OF THEM including 1 which resolved my insomnia in days &I have specific apps to ease anxiety& pain &THIS AUDIO WAS FOR CHANGING MINDSET & Itfailed in every possible way-THERE WAS NOTHING EXCEPT what I explained & Now I need to make sure the there are not just ALL THESAME WASTE.
TheSunWillComeOutShineOnMe about Free Your Mind Hypnosis