Free Your Mind Hypnosis App Reviews

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Not what I was hoping for

I just paid for the full app and it wasnt what Id hoped for. I was looking for something with soft music to fall asleep to with underlying meditation that could help with things such as weight loss. Definitely not falling asleep listening to this - there goes my $, hopefully Ill get some use out of it.


I have purchased “Free your mind” hypnosis app and had a great experience with it. This app offers a range of different hypnoses, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, boosting creativity, dealing with insomnia, etc. If you are not sure what you want or want a few areas to work on, this app might be the one to get! Prior to getting the hypnosis app, I mistakenly assumed that the hypnotist does all the work to instill positive changes to your mind. Actually, this is not true! I feel that the role of the hypnotist is to get you relaxed and walk you through a series constructive mental exercises that you would be too lazy to do on your own. In a sense, the hypnotizer merely lowers the activation energy to such constructive practices. You still need to do a lot of work to passionately desire, imagine and concentrate on what you want. My favorite track is “Free your mind.” I absolutely love the mental journey that this hypnosis takes me through. I love that this hypnosis (or any other hypnosis) allows me the freedom to construct the details of the imaginary spaces I get visit. I get an opportunity to reconnect with my deepest desires, my deepest strengths and the core experiences of my life. I feel very grounded after I listen to this track!

Highly Disappointed

I just left a rather lengthy review in the other Mindifi App with yellow icon that has the free Dream Life Audio session which I generously gave 4 stars to BUT THIS App-I am leaving my 2cents My 1Star & Not wasting too much more time with These Apps until Mindifi updates them so we can fast forward past all the talking & find out if there is EVEN AN AUDIO SESSION & not just an Induction-which is what I found when I used the Free Your Mind Free Session just this morning Right After I played the Other Mindifi App & listened to Dream Life-See my review there if interested In lengthy real details. I downloaded 6 of your Apps & already deleted 1 soon after downloading it-apparently I wasnt happy but these other 5 Apps have been wasting space for many months as I havent had time to use them fully-the instructions & inductions are so long-either fall asleep or opened another App or an alarm went off & the entire session makes me start over-THIS IS A MUST FIX-I cant imagine paid users being unable to loop fast forward rewind pause & repeat when there are so many free competitors out there WITH BETTER APPS & based on the 4 1/2 star reviews I THOUGHT MINDIFI MUST BE GOOD-Now I wonder if reviews are fake or if the people who left them received free upgrades or if PEOPLE ARE MISTAKING relaxing & sleeping WITHA HYPNOTIC TRANCE SESSION or Meditation to resolve a specific ISSUE-to change a negative behaviour pattern or improve their life by improving their mindset & outlook-I have been using MAN of these types of Apps now-Free & PAID for several years since an accident & having THE TIME TO DO SO & using these as THERAPY just like Acupuncture-Psycho therapy, cognitive therapy-To help with anxiety-moods-motivation-positivity-Insomnia-WAS RESOLVED FROM A DIFFERENT APP QUICKLY & so many other things-Living a healthy life-being confident-being successful-Achieving my goals-living my dream life-Seeing the positive side of everything-attracting positivity & abundance & good things into my LIFE-Feeling content-Finding my soul mate & more. I am happyIll be deleting THIS MINDIFI APP now as the over 200MB of space it takes up is RIDICULOUS given its only 1free audio with no controls & noABILITY to play or continue playing if another App opens-very low development & looks like 2 years since an update????WHY IS ANYONE PAYING? Please I took the time to write this just to let others know if they type in the search box they can find pages of free apps for sleep relaxation & STRESS & DEALING WITH ANXIETY-just type words in search box with hypnosis or meditations or affirmations or brainwave entrainment after the words & even ONLINE there are so many sites with free AUDIOS & THE BEST IVE USED WERE FREE OR from a company who offered FREE ACCESS TO EVERYTHING FOR A LIMITED TIME TO CHECK IT OUT & TRY BEFORE BUYING OR ONE THAT OFFERED ME AUDIOS THAT IMPROVED MY LIFE SO I BOUGHT SOME ADDITIONAL IN APP AUDIOS AT MY CHOICE NOT AN ENTIRE BUNDLE I MAY NOT NEED. Why dont I like THIS PARTICULAR SESSION besides the inability to control it or open other Apps or loop it or repeat it? I just listened to it fully while awake & it didnt even contain any audio pertaining to Freeing Mind of negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs as it said-WHERAS at leas the DreamLife audio in the yellow con Mindifi App had a few minutes of visualization of Dream Life Goals & Picturing times in my life in past & future-WHICH I LIKED-but this app has 1AUDIO & ALL I HEARD WAS an induction-in about 3-5 different ways-A long intro-Then telling user to relax & breathe & close eyes & open eyes & tense muscles then release tnse then release-THAT is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation & I have AUDIOS of in every CBT APP with tons of other useful stuff in it-like reading-journals-ideas-affirmations & more-But its an induction OR AN EXERCISE TO RELEASE STRESS & ANXIETY & that was NOT what this audio says it is for-I also do not like tightening all my muscles As instructed since issues with spine & shoulder & leg &it feels like its causing FACIAL Wrinkling & makes jaw clenched & tight &feel even worse after personally-THEN THE GUY DID EXACTLY WHAT HE DID THE LAST 10-15 minutes in other App-He tries to set a trigger for us to fall asleep every time he tells us to & he tells us to open our eyes then close them over & over as he counts up & down-For a long time & THEN SAYS WAKE UP EYES OPEN-BASICALLY THE SESSION WAS TO TENSE & RELAX YOUR MUSCLES&Learn a little about how hypnosis apps work-& have to hear IT EVERY TIME-THEN CLOSE &OPEN EYES CLOSE EYES OPEN EYES-then WAIT & wonder WHEN HE IS GOING TO START ACTUALLY SAYING SOMETHING THAT WILL HELP TO FREE MY MIND OF LIMITING BELIEFS-EVEN TO CREATE A TRIGGER TO HELP ME REALIZE WHEN I AM THINKING LOWER THOUGHTS-Not to create a trigger to SLEEP WHEN HE INSTRUCTS ME TOO-Just s everyone bows you can get that or free & MUCH MORE IN SO MANY OTHER APPS & They take up so much KESS space-THIS IS SUCH A WASTE OF SPAE NOW I NEED TO CHECK THAT THE OTHER 3 I still have not listened to since downloading HAVE ANYTHING USEFUL IN THEM OR IF I CAN JUST KEEP THE LOWER MBS yellow icon App for Dream Life & although it has ONKY ASHORT AUDIO PART FOR VISUALIZING & MANIFESTING-I did enjoy the light part & I can at least just play that in the mornings when I Wake up & I KNOW NOW I CAN STOP Before THE LAST 10 minutes of it which are a waste of time-Same as the entire audio-Just trying to create a trigger to tellme when to sleep in preparation for NEXT TIME-BUT I DONT WANT TO SLEEP-I WANT TO MANIFEST MY GOALS & FREE MY MIMD OF LIMITING BELIEFS & IF I WANT ASLEEP AUDIO I HAVE PLENTY OF THEM including 1 which resolved my insomnia in days &I have specific apps to ease anxiety& pain &THIS AUDIO WAS FOR CHANGING MINDSET & Itfailed in every possible way-THERE WAS NOTHING EXCEPT what I explained & Now I need to make sure the there are not just ALL THESAME WASTE.

Bugs in latest version prevent me from using this app anymore

I used to really love using this companys apps as a way to relax and drift off to sleep, or as a midday rest (whether I sleep or not). I had it set (in this apps settings) to close the app at the end and it was working great for insomnia relief. Unfortunately the latest updates include this bug where it prompts me to rate the app as the session finishes, which wouldnt be that bad ... if it didnt prevent my wake up alarm from going off. The setting to close the app when the session is finished... thats also gone. What upsets me most is that I forked out the money to buy all the sessions on two of this companys apps ($20 each set) because it was such an effective relaxation method for me. Now the app is basically unusable for my purposes.

Thank you

Thank you very much, that was awesome

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